Usually salt baths are used for medicinal purposes prescribed by a doctor. But also independent use is possible if you follow a few guidelines. Bath always take on an empty stomach, preferably 2 times a day. In the morning, it is best to take the refreshing cool, and in the evening - a soothing, refreshing bath. They can add the sea, table and bath salt. It all depends on the needs of your body. While taking a bath in the average should be 15 minutes. However, if cold or hot tub, the duration of reception is reduced to 5 minutes.
Everyone knows about the benefits of salt in moderate doses for humans. However, not everyone knows that it is useful to take a bath with her addition. If you have problems with metabolism, with a weight or you're tired, then this you just need a bath. The water temperature should be 25-37 degrees. Added to the bath of 250-500 g of salt. After her admission should rinse in the shower.
The benefits of sea salt knows that. How nice to plunge into the sea and swim. Immediately feel relaxed, the skin becomes clean. But what if you can not swim in it? Then you can buy sea salt in a pharmacy, dissolve it in the bathtub and take on health. Of course, in the bath does not swim, but the effect will be evident.
Sea salt comprises magnesium, which is needed for stress relief of muscular musculature. In addition, it will enrich your body with calcium. Sea salt removes headache and muscle pain, strengthen your immune system, normalizes sleep. Duration of 5-7 minutes, the water temperature - 34-35 ° C.
Aromatic salts contain essential oils extracts, honey and glycerin. If you have a cold, it is likely you will approach a salt with an extract of fir or eucalyptus oil. They have anti-edema effect, provide a restful sleep.
If you are worried about insomnia or bloating, it is best to use salt with mint extract. When skin eruptions should add salt to the bath with chamomile extract, succession, tea tree, oak bark. Last - and used for rheumatism.
For cosmetic purposes it is useful to take a bath with the addition of a salt with an extract of rose oil or honey. They will soften your skin, cleanse it, calm down.
If you want to cheer up, take a bath with sea salt flavored with grapefruit, lemon, lavender. Useful sea salt with ginseng. It has beneficial effects on the entire body, promotes its cleansing of toxins.
Be careful to use bath salts. They can cause you to have allergies or contraindications for health reasons. Therefore it is better to consult a doctor.