How to massage?
To perform a Chinese acupressure uses various techniques. This kneading, pressing, rubbing, pushing, stroking, vonzanie, cutting and vibration. During kneading, massage therapist kneads point pad of his thumb. Pressing could be a classic and enhanced, when on the point of impact with two fingers. When rubbing massage pillows pounded point fingers or palm. Shot Put - is the impact on the point intensive shocks. Stroking occurs in two directions pad of his thumb. Appliances vonzaniya is slow and hard pressure of several fingers. Cutting point is done by thumbnail. Vibration - a rhythmic pressure on the point of the middle finger pads for 30 seconds. During acupressure can be used as all the techniques and individually. It all depends on what goals are pursued in the particular case.
As a Chinese massage?
This type of massage interacts with the energy channels through which vital energy Qi moves. Working with acupressure points, the specialist sends impulses to all systems of the body. Due to the direction of the impact, Chinese massage restores all organs. When exposed to acupuncture points, pain is blocked due to the release endofrinov. As a result, the pain disappears, increases the flow of blood, organs are saturated with oxygen, and accelerates metabolism. Massage relaxes tense muscles and removes toxins. The body is cleaned and restored, enhanced immunity. After the session, you will feel a surge of strength and courage.
Medicinal properties of massage
Chinese acupressure is used to treat many diseases. He not only successfully eliminates pain but also treats the disease itself. This is due to the combined effect on the body. Massage is recommended for diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervousness, hypertension, intercostal neuralgia, low back pain, the problems of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic disorders, fatigue, chronic fatigue. Massage has been used successfully in the fight against obesity and in cosmetology.
Chinese massage is contraindicated in pregnancy, during lactation, with serious kidney disease and heart. The application of these techniques are not recommended for children under 17 years.