As an excellent cosmetic and medical device paraffin known for a long time. It warms up, pulling together and accumulating properties have been widely used for many centuries, and nowadays paraffin - one of the most popular cosmetic procedures.
Paraffin for hands held in professional beauty salons, but this procedure is not difficult to carry out and at home.
For paraffin baths applied molten to "water bath" to a liquid state special, often flavored, refined paraffin. Its melting point is low, only slightly more than 50 degrees. Paraffin has low thermal conductivity, i.e. slowly gives off heat, so burned by molten paraffin is almost impossible, but caution can not hurt.
The procedure itself is to apply a layer of hot liquid paraffin on the hands. Pre-cleaned skin scrub or peeling. Then apply nourishing cream or gel does not adhere to the wax to the skin. Prepared in this way the hands are lowered into a bath of molten paraffin for a few seconds, so repeated 5-8 times. On the hands formed a kind of paraffin gloves, consisting of several layers. Terry mittens and polyethylene, in which "packed" hands, does not give the wax to cool. A 15-minute procedure, it shows its anti-aging and healing properties. Skin temperature rises by 1-2 degrees, there is an active heat exchange and chemical reaction warmed joints.
Cooled wax is easily removed again this composition can not be used - sometimes in the home is trying to do.
Cosmetic effect of skin rejuvenation hands holding a long time, more than a week. Paraffin procedure recommended 2 times a month, it is especially effective in combination with nail polish.
Despite the simplicity and safety of this method, it has contraindications. During the paraffin on the hands should not be deep scratches and obvious allergic reactions.