Massage technique: a circular motion in two directions - clockwise with light pressure and stroking circles counterclockwise. Massage the skin better massage lines - from the nose to the cheeks, from the chin to the ears, along the line of the eyebrows, from the middle of the forehead to the temples. Wrinkles study your heated spoon, the skin around the eyelids - chilled on ice cubes. Neck massage more gently, without pressure and slow. You can work simultaneously with two spoons, promoting them in different directions (clockwise and counterclockwise), and can massage the skin with one spoon - whatever you like. The main condition - the skin can not pull movements should be resilient.
How to prepare your skin: wash, clean the face with a gel cleanser, apply a nourishing cream or oil. Moisturizer should be liquid and easy to spoon slipped on the skin easily. Lozhechny massage cream helps to be distributed more evenly over the skin and accelerates its effect, especially if done with warm spoons. Supplements in the form of essential oils make the fight against wrinkles and sagging skin effectively.
Benefits of massage lozhechnogo
Contrasting cold and warm massage spoons helps get rid of bags under the eyes - movements promote lymphatic drainage, skin is tightened and smooth fine lines. Facial contours become clear - massage has a lifting effect, eliminates double chin, returns elasticity of the skin. Signs of fatigue on the face in the form of persistent facial wrinkles, drooping corners of the mouth and nasolabial folds become less noticeable, but after a few days of regular massage you look younger and more attractive. Aromatic oils have a stimulating effect - Pick up in the morning, intensive preparations before bedtime relevant soothing smells. Pleasant surface spoons produces caressing effect and you can enjoy the session, improving your mood.