Vasiliev. Style icon

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 Fashion comes and goes. But there is a man for whom its impermanence - this is the main profession. He is aware of the changes of fashion of all ages. He knows a lot about corsets and crinolines wigs. Its elegance, wit and subtle sense of humor has left no one indifferent. His dream fashion tips to get thousands of women. Each output of his book becomes a sensation. He - the world famous fashion historian, painter, decorator, designer, author of numerous books and articles about fashion. All this - the unrivaled Alexander Vassiliev.
 Alexander Vassiliev was born in 1958 in Moscow. Since childhood, he was surrounded by creative atmosphere, his family was theatrical. Passion for fashion began with a different costume Russian theaters.

In the eighties, he graduated from the school-studio Art Theatre and went to France, where worked as a theater set designer. For a quarter century, he designed about a hundred performances in different parts of the world collaborated with the world's leading theaters.

The Paris fashion school, Alexander Vasilyev began to read his lectures "History of Fashion". Now he reads it in four languages ​​around the world. Thousands of followers, disciples, unchanging notices. Fans and fans constantly ask for an autograph, in this case he is always with postcards depicting the famous beauties. From the first words he has to imagine any audience, his erudition and knowledge are staggering.

There, in France there were the first exhibits his famous collection. Alexander Vasiliev - the owner of the largest private collections of clothing last time, it is more than ten thousand items: dresses, hats, umbrellas, shoes, bags, umbrellas. One can only wonder how the collection is unique and diverse: the things the early twentieth century, handkerchiefs House of Romanov.

To date, Alexander Vasilyev was the author of 27 books. "Beauty in Exile", "I am now in vogue ...", "Sketches of fashion and style," "Fate of fashion" - all of these books are devoted to the history of fashion. The photos collected in them, clearly tell us about how our ancestors dressed: vintage dresses, accessories. Thanks to Alexander Vasiliev whole world knew how to really look the people of past eras.

In addition to lectures, publishing books, collectibles, art tries himself in the role of TV presenter. And it is no coincidence, Alexander Vasilyev knows how to turn any Cinderella into a princess. Famous show helps many women to change themselves, wardrobe, gives the basics of style. Of forty audience learns how to dress tastefully, look appropriate, select accessories.

He lives in two countries - Russia and France, considers himself a man of peace, because fashion is no borders, no time. He can talk endlessly about Russian women about elegance dancers and actresses of the early twentieth century. Alexander Vassiliev real "guru" style, he always dressed immaculately, his coat and scarf unchanged impossible not to know. As well as his charming smile of someone who knows all the secrets of beauty.

 Author: Margaret

Tags: style icon, appearance, fashion, Alexander Vassiliev, Volga