Eyes on the Evelina Khromtchenko

Eyes on the Evelina Khromtchenko
 Like any hands-figure in the fashion world, Evelyn Khromtchenko characterized by a high degree of perfectionism and self-criticism. These qualities allow it to stay on top of success and maintain its status as the undisputed example of impeccable taste and style.

The quest for beauty and perfect in all formed from Evelyn was a child - she grew up in a family of intellectuals, the right ambience smells, interiors and style. Evelyn always thought women perfect beings, so impeccable taste in her opinion - the quality that must have each of the fair sex.

She never used the services of a stylist - a way to develop and support their own. In the make-up she prefers natural - skin color lipstick, powder and matting caramel blush - that's all you need for a perfect make-apa style Khromtchenko.

Evelyn prefers classics and relies on style, so in her wardrobe is very difficult to find things that are out of fashion. She spends money wisely, the main selection criterion - practicality. Before buying always thinking, how and with what will be combined this thing. Brands for Khromtchenko are in second place. The most important, in her view, is how the thing you sit - suitable or not. Because if the thing does not suit you, it will not be able to hide the name of even the most well-known designer.

Khromtchenko pays equal attention to both the internal and the external world and believes that one without the other does not happen - any inner world puts imprint on the outside. Khromtchenko style icons Kate Moss says, Betty Catroux (muse of Yves Saint Laurent), Renata Litvinova and Olga Sviblovo.

Basic wardrobe of Evelyn Khromtchenko:

Khromtchenko believes that a fashionable wardrobe must necessarily begin with the shoes - in fact looking at it about a woman can understand everything. This must be the boat with high heels and ballet flats in black or flesh-colored. For everyday wear Evelyn advises acquire comfortable loafers or sneakers light tones. It further advises necessarily get the little black dress, perfect sitting trousers, a white shirt, solid jumper with V-neck, beautiful jewelry, a black turtleneck, T-shirt with short sleeves and maykoy- "alcoholic" on the straps. All of these things should be as good quality - so that they can serve you for a long time and not lose their appearance.

Things which, according to Khromtchenko, should never be in your wardrobe:

Manicure with painted or decorated with stones - bad form. Evelyn advises to minimize the use of crystals, paintings, and other decorations ryushek in their way - the inept use of these attributes is sure to make you vulgar. In general, "Russian glamor" according Khromtchenko is riding bad taste.

Tags: style trousers, wardrobe, dressing, Khromtchenko