Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015

 While designers fashion houses show in selling light cruise collection, Ralph Lauren does not go away from the main areas - elegance. Collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015 turned refined and sophisticated, and images - to create a brand.
On the one hand, the collection has a complex cut, collars, frills, there was a place strict short-cut jackets with shirt and tie. However, the severity of this bit is diluted more frivolous, but still elegant dresses and skirts with polka dots and wide silk pants.
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015
Elegant ease cruise collection Ralph Lauren Resort 2015