How to respond to the invitation for an interview

How to respond to the invitation for an interview
 Job search - a very important and exciting step in life. How to win the sympathy of the employer before the official talks? The answer is simple: to competently respond to the proposal on the future of the interview!
 You send your resume and look forward to a response. If you are interested in an employer, he can answer you in two ways: by a phone call or an e-mail.

Be prepared for a possible call. In a separate notebook write down those firms in which you sent the resume. Be sure to check the name and title of the person referred to in the coordinates for this job, as well as telephone number. Keep a notebook handy to call in case you can quickly browse and navigate.

Keep in mind that after sending the resume you can call at any time, therefore, match your daily routine with the operating mode, which has been adopted by many companies (usually from 9.00 am to 18.00 pm). It is necessary that the employer is calling you for the interview date, have not heard in a tube sleepy voice of a man who can not find their way, on any issue him a call.

When answering a call for a friendly and say hello carefully answer all the questions that will ask the employer. Record the date, address and time of the interview, and be sure to check the name and phone of the person with whom you can be contacted in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Feel free to ask clarifying questions, so you do not end up in an awkward situation. After verifying all the details thank the employer for the call and politely said goodbye.

If you can not attend the interview on time or you do something wrong, be sure to stop ringing, be upfront about being late or ask: is it possible to move the interview. In life there are different situations and explains the reason for the call and excuse the delay can be further counted in your favor.

If you receive an invitation for an interview by e-mail, as soon as possible to write the answer. It may look similar to the following: "Dear (th) ... (name of the person who sent you the invitation) Thank you for the invitation to the interview. I will be glad (a) arrive at such an address at a certain time. With Sincerely, (your name, name and contact phone number). " If the invitation you do not understand something, do not hesitate to ask all the questions that come to the interview fully prepared.

Tags: invitation interview response