At the service of friendship

At the service of friendship
 It happens in life - without Me to get to a good place is quite difficult. You ask her friend, so she put in a word for you and get to the post, which had long dreamed of. And apparently, all you have are fine: work is, best friend too close by - what more could you want! But do not hurry to rejoice, often such invitations come to an end very badly.

It so happens that friends are no longer friends because of conflicts at work. Of course, you find it difficult to imagine that the man you know all my life, you can begin to find fault or intrigue, but, nevertheless, it is a well known fact. Often people can be friends only when their interests are not united by a common cause. After all, by chance, your friend may well be your supervisor, and, therefore, will have to give you the standing orders and monitor the correctness of their execution. It is only out of the office, you can both laugh at the fact that someone mistakenly put herring on important treaty, but if this happens at work - wait for thunderstorms.

There is a long known truth - you want to know a person, give him power. Indeed, it happens that people vary greatly after you become dependent on them position. Do here, unfortunately, nothing can be. Try to take a philosophical. After all, girlfriend, too, must be held accountable for your activities to superiors. But if you work well, and nit-picking and accusations continue, perhaps you should think about how to change jobs. Of course you can and continue to endure and wait for that person come to its senses, but is unlikely to live to see anything fundamentally new. Think about what you want to save more: your friendship or work? It so happens that after the change of place, erstwhile heat in your relationship again restored. However, you might as well get as a result of a bad friend and a terrible chief in one package, if you decide to stay and endure. Something in this situation in any case have to sacrifice.

Although, of course, described the situation - not a dogma. It so happens that friends are still friends, even if they are now working together and one of them is forced to submit to another. People are different and often test that teaches us life, can only make friendship lasting and stain it new and exciting colors. There is nothing better than having a true friend next to you at work. Such a person and will support and help and tell! Therefore, if a friend calls you to a new job, do not rush to reject the proposal. Maybe things are not so bad and it's really your chance to get what you've been dreaming of.

Remember that human relationships - a complex mechanism of interactions, constantly changing and transforming into something completely new. You can only watch these changes and sometimes make small adjustments, but globally not do anything in the state. Your friendship is certainly a very valuable thing, so you need to make every effort to keep it in its original form. But everything's changing, changing ourselves and the people who surround us, so Treat philosophically to what is going on in your life and do not worry for nothing. To get a job out of friendship, of course, can only keep in mind that it can be very much in your life to change.

Tags: work, office, friend, friendship