Select the shape of eyebrows in accordance with the type of your face. For triangular shape are the best option semicircular eyebrows. Round face becomes more refined thanks to triangular eyebrows. Square face looks softer with eyebrows, kink which is closer to the middle or inner edge. Adjust elongated face help direct eyebrows. Owners oval face was more fortunate of all - they can afford any form.
Select the thickness of the eyebrows that matches your image. In recent years, the fashion for "strings" has given way to another trend: stylists prefer ample natural eyebrows. Get those can even owners of not too dense vegetation. For this special brush with fixing gel comb brows upwards, to give a more intense color the eyebrows with a pencil in a shade tone hair. In other cases, you can emphasize the brows with a pencil, creamy eyeliner or shadow caused by wet applicator. Bright shadow or pencil to shade directly under the line of eyebrows visually pripodnimut it and make the face more expressive.