Eyelashes, like the eyes, very painfully react to external stimuli: dirty air, urban dust, and even makeup. Because of this, his eyes red and watery, and eyelashes become brittle, lifeless and fall quickly. Therefore, they need special care, or a kind of "treatment".
Remember that every morning and evening should wash with boiled water or tea too strong, and then applied to the eyelids special moisturizer.
Evening make-up should be flushed properly. First of all, give up the soap, it dries the skin and makes it brittle lashes. Use tool for removing eye make-up, soak cotton pads to them and attach to your eyes for a few seconds. Only after the ink softens, carefully remove its leftovers.
At night, use a cream to the skin around the eyes, balm or oil. It should be soft texture. Note that this means the composition. Choose something, which includes burdock, pink or castor oil.
The cream, which is not absorbed the skin, remove with a damp cloth. If you leave it on overnight, in the morning may appear swollen circles in the century. Creams that have prophylactic used if your skin is not wrinkled. For mature skin to choose the means for eyelids and eyelashes, which have an anti-aging effect. Their composition will typically include vitamins A and E.
For the treatment and strengthen lashes use special balms. They rubbed along the line of their growth. There are tools that are available in the form of carcasses, they are applied with a brush.
If you use mascara for eyelashes weak note on its composition. Well, if it contains castor oil which nourishes the lashes and promote their growth, as well as proteins and keratin.
To accelerate the growth of eyelashes, it is useful to massage. He performed with gentle circular strokes using the fingertips, starting from the inner corner of the eye to the temples on external century and ending with the lower eyelid towards the nose.