Secrets of professional make-up

Secrets of professional make-up
 Professional make-up, which you can see the photo in any glossy magazine, is significantly different from the usual. Of course, make-up artists use special makeup for a long time and learn a special technique, but to master its basic techniques afford to every woman.
 Secrets of professional make-up are its most natural. Cosmetics are not conspicuous, sometimes it seems that it is absent, but the woman's face shines like the natural beauty.

The first step is to prepare the face. To thoroughly cleansed apply foundation, concealer, which differs from the natural color of the face is not more than the tone and powder with light reflecting particles. In this case, the so-called T zone covered by the usual matting powder, otherwise it will shine. Blush taken two colors: a darker applied to the lower part of the jaw, and light - on top. This creates the illusion of higher cheekbones.

When the basic framework is created, you can start a professional eye makeup. Thicker eyelashes can be done not only by the volume of the carcass. If the outline with a pencil, similar to the color of ink, paint the space between the lashes through their growth, they will appear thicker. The same pencil corrected shape of the eyebrows.

Selection depends on the color of shadows tsvetotipa women and is a science. This takes into account the tone of skin, hair and eye color. But the basic rule for the fact that between the shadows of different colors should not be abrupt changes. They need to move seamlessly from one to another. In order to make the eyes look more open, in the inner corner of it put a little white dot. You can use a light shade or contour pencil. Naturally, the point must be washed out and not stand out from the makeup bright spot.

The finishing touch of makeup are the lips. In order to make them more chubby, want to create a contour pencil, whose color coincides with the tone of the lips. To lipstick longer held, it should be applied to pre-wetted skin with a brush. Surpluses are easily removed with a napkin, and then lips look more natural.

Tags: makeup secret