With the help of eyeliner was corrected eye shape. Line conducted fairly dense, thick. So the eye acquires depth, and look - some mystery and tragedy. This is the view from the old movie actresses - a sad and a bit detached. "Arrows" on the eyelids - is also one of the signs of retro makeup. They drew and thin and thicker. Conducted over the eyelashes or directly beneath them. "Arrow" is a straight or curved, depending on the cut eye. By the way, "arrow" - a great way to adjust the shape of the eye, make them bigger, make eye-shaped "Gazelle". Today, this eye makeup is still in demand and interesting.
1-2 apply black ink layer, wherein, as the upper eyelashes and the lower. Retro makeup implies strongly curled, "cool" eyelashes. For this purpose a special "machine", which can be purchased in a beauty shop.
Lips retro formalized as brightly as his eyes. This rule is at odds with the modern, where the emphasis is on the face on one thing: either the lips or eyes. The most favorite color of lipstick in those years (indeed, most affordable) was quite bright red. The color of cinnabar. Of course, now colors makeup is somewhat broader. Therefore, if you are not ready for such a bright shades, choose a thick brown.
By the way, in those days it was in vogue pale skin. Fashion for a tan came much later. Vybelivat face as a mask, of course, not worth it. But here are some lighten your natural tone is quite possible.
Look closely at those actresses of the last century. Select the option of makeup that will best meet your appearance.