As well performed the surgery itself? First, examination of the patient is carried out by a qualified technician. The doctor, having carefully studied the test results, by inspection of the lips. Then, sign the agreement on the provision of such cosmetic services. This operation is carried out only with the consent of the patient and the presence of good blood.
Then, in a conversation with the patient, it turns its susceptibility to drugs, there are no allergies. After that specifies the form of anesthesia, local or general. The operation is carried out in several successive stages.
First the fence adipose tissue in places where there is a surplus of it. Usually this tissue of the buttocks and legs. On the surface of the skin doctor makes a lot of small incisions through which undertakes the necessary material for the operation. The resulting adipose tissue to be treated it is purified of impurities, and blood.
Then, the doctor takes a few small narrow tubes or large capacity syringe with a fine needle and begins to enter the purified adipose tissue in the mucosa of the lips or under the skin, it is important to do it carefully, it is better in small portions. The patient during surgery, if it is performed under local anesthesia, independently controls the shape of lip augmentation, suggests a path he would like to have and what width of the upper and lower lips should be reached in the end.
After that, at the injection site overlaps a sterile adhesive that does not eliminate the patient some time. The doctor always introduces more fatty tissue in the mouth than it should be, because more than 65% of adipose tissue rejected by the body and absorbed inside. Patients can go home in a couple of hours after the operation.
On the results of the operation can be seen six months after its implementation. Patients who experience a transient increase in body temperature, increased or decreased sensitivity of the skin of the lips, a small swelling. All these symptoms disappear on their own one day after the operation. This period may be extended for up to two weeks if the adipose tissue typed a lot. This is what happens if you need a large volume of the lips. This operation is safe, inexpensive cost. The body does not reject the adipose tissue and therefore the effect of the procedure is very stable.