The simplest than corrected eyebrows and eyelashes - mascara and a soft pencil. But in the heat of summer, in the hot sun all make literally melting away. And if you use waterproof makeup options, and then wash it will have the same "strong" means, which can be chemically aggressive and irritate the delicate skin around the eyes.
Therefore it is especially popular among women gained coloring eyebrows and eyelashes resistant paint. Please note - this special paint designed only for eyebrows and eyelashes, and not for hair coloring head. Hair dye has an aggressive chemical structure, and if you try to use it to dye eyelashes, you risk poteryat.Poetomu their worth once to buy a quality paint at very high prices, but use a tube repeatedly.
If you are blonde, or if your hair is wonderful red color, it is not necessary to paint eyebrows radical black. This will give the appearance of a certain vulgarity. It is best to use a light brown shades. According to the rules of etiquette eyebrow color should be close to the color of the hair roots.
So, if you decide to paint the eyebrows and eyelashes at home, avoiding trips to the beauty salon, you need a little preparation. Typically, complete with not the cheapest paint are: developer paint, a tiny bowl for mixing paints, corrugated stick to painting, instruction manual.
Else you need to cook cotton pads, handy mirror, tissues, a bowl of water, petroleum jelly or fat cream. The instructions to paint always prescribed mixing ratio of paint and the developer. The general recipe for this - in a bowl squeeze 1-2 ml of ink and add 4-5 drops of the developer bottle.
Mix thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass. Do not be surprised if the paint color is light, it will darken over time. Do not leave the mixed paint "in reserve", you can only use freshly prepared.
Sit comfortably in front of a mirror, it is better if in front of you will watch. Spread the area under the lower lashes cream. Cut out two discs cotton crescent. Soak a crescent moon in water, wring out and apply under the lower lashes, tightly clutching the skin. Close your eyes and apply the paint stick, carefully prokrashivaya roots of eyelashes.
Note eyelashes dyed for about 10 minutes, eyebrows slightly smaller - 5-6 minutes. Therefore, the paint on the eyebrows, apply a little later, then to wash off all at the same time. During the application head slightly tilted forward, it is desirable that the paint did not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. If this happened, and endure no longer works, it is necessary to wash out the eyes and postpone the procedure for a while.
When you steadfastly hatched the allotted time, remove the paint first dry cotton pad or cloth and then thoroughly rinse thoroughly with warm water eyes. If in some places drowned in the skin, it can be spread with fat cream and a little later wipe with a cotton swab.
For colored eyelashes important special care. Before going to bed can be lubricated with castor oil to strengthen and shine. After staining, try to touch your eyebrows and eyelashes various cleaning agents, and your eyes for about a month will delight you with remarkable expressiveness.