How to apply lipstick properly

How to apply lipstick properly
 Lipstick can be different - a classic in the form of sliding stick, or liquid resistant or moisturizing, shiny or matte. Any of these options can look great - provided that the chosen lipstick properly applied. Take it a few extra minutes, and your makeup will look perfect.
 Correctly applying lipstick must lie exactly on the lips, not accumulate in the folds do not spread and not to fade too quickly. That it has not brought unwanted surprises lips need to prepare. Shelushinki and irregularities are removed using a special scrub or massage and a pair of small drops of crystallized honey. On the lips can be treated apply a little moisturizer for the face - this will make them more smooth and well groomed.

Once the cream is absorbed, you can begin to make-up. If you put on your face foundation, put a little on the lips, carefully shaded his fingertips. On the foundation lipstick lie smoother and last longer.

Bright lipstick often spreads and looks untidy. To avoid this, before lipstick, draw a pencil outline them, pick up the tone. Do not use sticks too dark colors, contrasting with the color of lipstick - it looks old-fashioned. Using a pencil, you can achieve interesting effects by filling them to the entire surface of the lips, causing a thin layer on top of lipstick. A dense coating, which does not need to be updated throughout the day.

To lipstick kept as long as possible after the application blot it with a paper towel, lightly powder the and apply another layer of pigment. However, this method is suitable only for solid or creamy means. The liquid lipstick is applied in one layer and is updated whenever the erasure.

If you want to make the lips extra volume, apply a gloss over lipstick. It is not necessary to impose it on the entire surface of the lips - they emphasize only the central part, giving them a seductive plumpness.

Lipstick neutral tones can be applied not only brush, but just a finger, ensuring maximum natural effect. This makeup lips perfectly with smoky eyes and well-groomed skin with a natural glow.

Tags: lip makeup application