Contour heyloplatika: how to increase lips with injections

Contour heyloplatika: how to increase lips with injections
 When visual methods of lip augmentation, such as tattooing and different ways to make up, do not give the desired result, women who dream about plump lips, use the services of plastic surgeons. The most gentle way to increase the lips - it chiloplasty contour.
 Plastic surgeons injected into the lip contours synthetic or natural drugs. This procedure is called contour chiloplasty - by injection can increase lip volume or adjust existing defects. It is very important to choose the right preparation and pre-test it in order to avoid allergic reactions in case of incompatibility administered substance with the internal environment of the patient.

Natural injections have few side effects, they quickly take root, but the result is kept short and contour chiloplasty have to do often. Preparations consist of natural fats or natural collagen and water. The fragility of the natural cheiloplasty explained by the fact that the fat and collagen are rapidly absorbed and the effect of lip augmentation lasts from six months to a year.

There are natural products in the form of a gel containing hyaluronic acid, which, unfortunately, can cause allergies. But with the introduction of the gel repeated injections have to do in 8 months.

Synthetic drugs are more likely to cause allergic reactions and are often rejected by the body, but the effect of lip augmentation persists longer than the introduction of natural substances.

Biopolymer gel is most popular in the contour chiloplasty, it is often used Hollywood stars and is known as the fourth generation of silicone. The effect of increasing the lips for 8 years and drug absorption is only about 5% of the total injected gel.

Polyacrylamide gel 90% water, and this explains its low cost. According to its properties this drug is close to the biopolymer gel. It is noteworthy that the drug is made with poliakriamidom in Russia.

As a result, contour lip cheiloplasty become elastic, wrinkles are smoothed on the lips, facial expressions changed by changing the shape of the lips. After the procedure, there may be pain and swelling, so the rehabilitation period must be accompanied by cooling and physiotherapy and massage lips.

Tags: lip care, increase heyloplatik