Usually correction tatuzha spend about a month after the primary procedure. It happens that the paint immediately fell under the skin is not tight or tone, the resulting session, did not blend in with the color or shade of hair of women.
If the whole thing only in the consistency of paint, the master failed to readjust sites using the same pigment. But if you have, for example, very blond hair and eyebrows have turned coal black or lips - crimson, have to undergo a multi-stage process. In the course of it, you first need to clarify what is already there, and then (if you desire to make a second tattoo is left) - Change the color of the lips or eyebrows to the desired.
But note that a daunting task for any master will be brightening eye contour. Only being able to help you - a bit to adjust or trim line.
How can lighten tattoo? Experts do not advise to contact cosmetologists to help with peeling (especially dermabrasion) remove pigment. Firstly, for example, using median chemical peels, one session can not achieve the desired effect, and the only damage the skin. Secondly, on the lips to make them generally contraindicated.
It is best to cope with this problem laser. Depending on the intensity and depth of the paint may require 4-5 sessions. In parallel with the laser procedure can be used to try and castor oil (only in the eyebrows), putting it on a daily basis at night. And in any case it is not necessary to resort to hydrogen peroxide and other oxidants, as it is useless and harmful to the skin.
Before clarification eyebrows with laser hair are not removed. If they become too light, they can be a little touch up and. This is done at the master permanent make-up or normal hair color at home or in a salon.
Not all experts recommend the use of lightening tattoo Tattoo Removal of different brands. The healing process after such drugs even longer than after the laser, and the composition of the funds may enter into an unexpected chemical reaction with pigments. In addition, Tattoo Removal is injected under the skin after using special needles injured area from which you want to remove traces of tattooing. This additional mechanical action can adversely affect further example, the sensitivity of the lips or eyebrow hair structure.