Should be thoroughly cleaned tweezers lotion and face. On the area between the eyebrows can put a hot compress or a piece of ice. Also, this area should gently massage lightly fingers that relaxes the skin and reduce the pain from the procedure.
Appliances plucking eyebrows are fairly simple. Should grab the tweezers hair near the root, pulling the skin with your free hand in the direction of hair growth, and a sharp movement to pull it. Do not try to capture more than one hair at a time - it will only increase the pain.
It must be remembered that the eyebrows in the result should be symmetrical. Having finished their plucking, worthwhile to compare them with each other. After the procedure, be sure to put on a skin moisturizer - it will reduce the pain.
In that case, if the thought of the upcoming pain sensations cause negative emotions, you can resort to buying special depilatory cream and try to remove the hairs with it. The undeniable advantage of this method lies in the fact that in this kind of cream added special substances that prevent the growth of hair. New hairs will not appear on the affected area for a long time.
If you do not want to spend time in the above procedure, or power, you can always appeal to the beauty salon. Professionals are not only quick and painless will remove hateful hairs on the nose, but also will give a suitable shape eyebrows. You can then adjust their shapes already own.