1. plucking eyebrows, use a special gel. He smoothed unruly hairs and create a form that makes it easier for the removal of superfluous hair. If not gel, eyebrows can be wet with water. The disadvantage of this method is that under the influence of water, the hairs stick together. This risk of accidental deletion of superfluous hairs.
2. Since the shape of the eyebrows is strictly individual and can not be very different for different people, it does not depend on fashion. If independent, the minimum extent. So no need to chase fashion. It is necessary to choose a shape that makes expressive face.
3. plucking eyebrows, do not overdo it. Better not doschipat than pereschipat because as a species nedovyschipannyh eyebrows - more natural. Therefore, if in doubt about the appropriateness of a hair, better leave it. After all, it will take time before you will grow in their place new ones.
4. plucking eyebrows must be reduced. The top line of the eyebrows does not require correction, as is natural for a person and a more suitable line of hard to find. Make an exception to the rule is possible only in the event that the hairs stick out noticeably from the top or grow away from the eyebrows.
5. To properly plucked eyebrows, you must define the boundaries. To do this, attach a pencil so that it passes through the edge of the nostrils and the inner corner of the eye. Where the pencil intersects the eyebrow should be begun.
6. To find out where it will end with an eyebrow pencil must be applied to the edge of the nostril and the outer corner of the eye. Where the pencil intersects the eyebrow, will end. This is the optimal length of eyebrows, do not be that short.
7. Color eyebrows should be a tone darker hair color. Therefore, choose a pencil correctly. Light color, eyebrows deprive your face expression. Too dark eyebrows do not look natural.