How to cast shadows

How to cast shadows
 Beautiful eye makeup attracts attention, allows a woman to feel more confident, and emphasize the natural beauty. Eye makeup to look good and in harmony with the image as a whole, it is necessary to learn how to cast shadows.

Before applying any shadows better to use a special base, it has a fairly thick creamy texture pale beige, it must impose directly on "bare" eyelid. If the hand you have such a framework was not, then as a basis you can use any light, matte shadow.

Shadows can be applied as a sponge or brush. Sponge shade will look brighter, but if eye makeup will be several shades of shadows, here come to the aid round brush, which will gently and smoothly shade border colors, so makeup will look professional.

For daytime eye makeup prefer pastel colors such as light beige, gray, gold, light blue, light purple. It is necessary to be careful when choosing a shade of pink shades, it can create the effect of "red eyes", especially for women with green and gray eyes. If you want to use make-up pink color, then give preference to matte shades, without nacre. For evening or festive eye makeup, you can use brighter, more saturated colors of shadows.

The basic technique of drawing shadows boils down to the fact that at the inner corner of the eye to apply the lightest shade that gradually darkens to the outer corner. This technique allows you to enhance the beauty of the eyes, place the right accents, giving easy languor look.

If you are the owner of small eyes, try to use the shadow mainly light colors, so your eyes will look more visually. With wide-set eyes should not do the accent light shadows on the inner corner, better to resort to shades of mid-tones. Conversely, when uzkopostavlennyh eyes, inner corner stands the lightest shade.

Correctly apply the shade is possible without the help of make-up, this will help the daily training, which will soon help you master the technique perfectly drawing shadows.

Tags: eye shadow makeup