False eyelashes - like glue to use

False eyelashes - like glue to use
 False eyelashes help to make the look more expressive and sensual, especially when the nature of their own rather thin and short. By purchasing a set of false eyelashes, do not forget to ask about the intricacies of their use.  

For the procedure, except the false eyelashes, you need the following tools: a special adhesive composition, fine forceps, curling iron and wooden stick. Attach to the eyes and eyelashes make sure that the size of the cut of your eyes - long lashes can be shortened a bit, cutting the edge.

If absent themselves eyelashes adhesive layer, then you should apply it yourself - gently lubricate the basis of false eyelashes glue. Apply the adhesive with a special thin brush. Pick up a pair of tweezers and hook smeared with glue for eyelashes free edge - attach them to the outer edge of the eye. At the same time gently pressed false eyelashes to century wooden stick. Treat the other eye as well, ensure good gluing eyelashes and angle - they must be symmetrical.

Take a toothpick and carefully check the strength of the bonding - gently slide the edge of the eyelashes. If there were bad taped areas, then treat them again with adhesive using the same toothpick. If necessary, the Trim lashes, but in both eyes.

Then you need to make up eyelashes - Apply mascara using a tablespoon, and you work out all the lashes, while having mixed man-made fibers with these hairs. The same sequence of actions to take when gluing overhead beams - it's part of the eyelashes, which is attached to the outer corners of eyes to emphasize their shape or give the look of mystery. The last stage make-up, after which your false eyelashes can not be distinguished from the real, eyeliner. Thin soft pencil or a special compound liner apply a line of eyelash glued directly on top of their base.

Remove false eyelashes easy - just pick up a pair of tweezers or a toothpick glued edge and pull the film. If the adhesive is strong enough, you can use vegetable oil for softening composition. False eyelashes should be washed with soapy water to remove residual adhesive with tweezers, toothpick to clean the lint. Eyelashes need to be dried and put in a container, where they will remain until the next use.

Tags: eyelash, invoice