Even more effect can be achieved by applying castor oil overnight. After removing makeup with the brush gently spread the oil over the entire length of the eyelashes in the morning rinse with soft foam designed for washing.
To add amplification results in 100 ml vial castor oil 5 drops of vitamin E or A, shake the resulting mixture was thoroughly. Use it to lubricate eyelashes for medicinal purposes on a daily basis, as a preventive - three times a week.
Has the same effect of sea buckthorn, peach, olive, almond and coconut oil. If you plan to get a thick, lush and luxurious lashes in two weeks, apply one of the oils every day for the night.
Burdock oil is used not only to strengthen and improve hair growth, but also for the eyelashes. The method of application and the application is the same as when using a different type of oil. Burdock sold with various additives, such as vitamins. Hence when using it there is no need to add an additional A and vitamin E.
Also, do not forget that the growth of eyelashes depends not only on external factors, but also on health. Therefore, for two weeks to take a multivitamin complexes, which will help restore the body lack of vitamins and minerals that have an immediate impact on the growth of eyelashes.
Professional products for eyelash growth and strengthening under the trade names "Kareprost" and help Evolash two weeks to achieve amazing results. Eyelashes grow easy on the eyes. The cost of one packaging means hovering around 1 thousand rubles - this is just so much you have to spend on correction eyelash extensions.