To the eyes appear wider, you must also comply with one rule: the inner part of them need to emphasize the light tone, external - dark. Illuminate the inner corners of the age with the help of pearl shadows, and external emphasize using prolonging "arrows" that should not be held close to the lash line. They need a bit of grind, so they were not too clear. Do not completely encircling pencil eyes with clear boundaries, they will appear smaller. It should not be too let down his eyebrows at the nose, it is better to emphasize them at the temples.
To make your eyes visually more vertical, ie more "open" make-up artists, on the contrary, it is advised to emphasize with dark shadows inner corner of the eye and upper eyelid so that they form a kind of "triangle", the apex of which is directed towards the eyebrows. The boundaries of the shadows should be carefully shade. The effect will increase if the eyebrows to give a curved shape by lifting them at the same time as high as possible. Another way to make the eyes more - slightly darken the crease of the upper eyelid, while leaving themselves forever and not made up, or shading of light powder shadows or natural shades. This method is not recommended for use with deep-set eyes.
Visually "open up" the look and applying to the area under the eyebrows shadows of natural light tones combined with the extension, but not too "heavy" and thick mascara. It should only paint eyelashes on the upper eyelid and lower light should be emphasized, can be pearl, pencil. The effect is even more pronounced if the eyelashes on the upper eyelid curl using tweezers.
Make-up, which aims to - increase eye shape, make-up artists do not recommend the use of color ink, and only black or dark gray. Pencil eyeliner same or, on the contrary, it is better not to take black and other colors, such as dark blue, beige or brown.