What qualities are most important lipstick? Many will say that color, but it is not. Important primarily composition. Lipstick should not only emphasize the beauty and neutralize the disadvantages of the lips, then just take care of them. So, the choice of a cosmetic product should not start with an assessment of the decorative effect, and by reading the label, which shows all the ingredients included in it.
As part of lipstick certainly there are various vegetable and mineral oils (coconut, almond, lanolin, castor and others). Their mission - to provide a decorative effect and maximum care to take care of women's lips.
It is also important that the composition of decorative means containing a substance ultraviolet filter, and besides - vitamins A and C. The skin of the lips is very sensitive, thin and poorly protected by nature. And because a good lipstick should not only beautify, but also to protect, nourish and otherwise grooming delicate skin of the lips.
When choosing a lipstick should also pay attention to expiration dates, aroma, consistency of the product. All of these factors should not cause you a single doubt in high quality that will be in direct contact with your skin.
So, you have carefully read the composition of lipstick tasted her scent and it's time to choose your desired color. Prepare to be that the lipstick on the lips will look differently than in a tube.
In a good shop (and the rest to buy cosmetics just not worth it), there is always probes cosmetics. To properly assess the decorative effect of the product - put some lipstick from the probe to the fingertips, and see the result. About the same color lipstick selected will have on your lips.
And finally, a few tips for choosing the color of lipstick. Lipstick gets to tsvetotipu women form the lips and skin color. Bright lipstick add fullness lips, lipstick and dark shades give aristocratic "sponge-dumplings."
Traditions makeup argue that brunettes should prefer lipstick all shades of red and blonde ladies to face bright pink hues. Brown hair is recommended lipstick color terracotta, cinnamon, walnut and ripe raspberry. Well, gentle warm colors of peach, coral lips are more appropriate for ladies with golden hair.
And, of course, is important when choosing a lipstick is the general make-up colors. Lipstick should be in harmony with shades of rouge, successfully "stacked" in the overall color palette of the female image, and not exist by itself.
And finally, one more thing - the main rule of makeup: the emphasis is on either eye or the woman's mouth. Both together look vulgar.
Now you will not be difficult to choose their (!) Lipstick and applause of men, as well as envious - a la "as you prettier! "- Sighs girlfriends.