For the growth of eyebrows and you can use other, equally effective means. To make it, you need to mix 2 milliliters of castor oil and 2 milliliters of burdock oil, 4 milliliters of aloe juice and 4-5 drops of vitamin "Aevitum." In the resulting composition moisten a cotton pad, attached to the eyebrows and hold for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the tool is only necessary in the case of need to go out in the next 2-3 hours.
If the hair of the eyebrows fall out, then deal with this problem will help a mixture of almond and peach oil in equal proportions. This tool should be applied to the eyebrows 2-3 times a day without washing or applied application for 20-30 minutes.
For the growth of hair on the eyebrows can be mixed in equal proportions fir, castor oil and sea buckthorn, add to the mix a few vitamin A capsules and apply the proceeds to his eyebrows several times a day. The composition of these oils includes a large number of useful trace elements that stimulate and feed the hair follicles.
To carry out the above procedure should be regularly within 3-4 weeks. Only after this time can achieve visible results. Also, do not be amiss to take a multivitamin and conduct daily massage eyebrows.