Foundation is the basis for make-up, which fully aligns the tone of the face, hiding his faults, as well as a protective agent, protecting the skin from the harmful effects of cold, wind, sun and dust. Tone cream is applied to the entire face, from the center to the hairline.
The masking agent was used as the pencil point effects. Use it to hatch minor flaws, such as dark rings under his eyes after a sleepless night, or inappropriately jumped pimple, or the bursting of the vial. Pencil should be applied exactly in place, requiring correction, and then good shade. On the whole face is not applied, otherwise you can get the effect of the mask.
The right thing to combine both means. If you are using color concealer, first apply it on your face. Walk on the flaws that you want to hide, blend well. If you want to hide the yellowing around the eyes, use a pencil purple and blue circles mask the yellow pencil. This will help to make the look more fresh and open. Once this work is completed, you can put on top of foundation. If you use a pencil without the subsequent application of tonal resources, it will be seen on your skin. But natural color pencils can be applied over make-up, in which case they should be on the lighter tone of the skin.
Foundation make-up completed, and the skin - velvety. Choosing foundation, guided by the natural color and tone of your skin. Desirably, they are virtually identical. In this case, does not create a foundation on your face mask effect. For this purpose, choose a cream with a thin and light structure, because everyone should see your soft and radiant skin, rather than your foundation. Try to keep your skin looking as natural.
Thus, the pencil serves to mask minor defects and concealer - alignment complexion.