Eyebrows should pay attention needs to be in the morning, with the help of daily massage brush and brushing them up, lightly moisten the hair with water. To make them shine and the desired shape, it is necessary to put a special colorless gel for eyebrows.
Taking care of the eyebrows is virtually identical to the care of the hair strands. Application of olive oil, castor oil and burdock are also useful for them. And if we add to it the essential oils - chamomile, frankincense, spruce, cedar, thyme, it will help strengthen the weakened and thinned eyebrows.
Suitable for eyebrows and masks and balms, which are applied to the head, but it is a gentle face, so they should be as hypoallergenic. Clumsy manipulation to strengthen over the eyebrows can cause irritation, so requires great care and diligence.
Mask of lanolin is a good tool for the growth of eyebrows. It is mixed with a water bath until a homogeneous mass vaseline and glycerol droplets were added thereto, diluted with water. Apply the mask with a cotton disc, which is removed after 15 minutes, and the rest a mixture of clean cloth moistened with warm infusion of weak tea.
Strengthens the eyebrows mask based on vitamin A, which is mixed with carrot juice. Carotene, which is in the juice nourishes due to vitamin E.
Ugly and sparse eyebrows indicate violations occurring in the body. With the disruption of the endocrine system associated loss of eyebrows, so you need to see a doctor on the basis of the analyzes applied treatment system.