How to make a brighter eye color

How to make a brighter eye color
 Change the color and brightness of the eyes can not only with the help of contact lenses, but also thanks to choose the right makeup, jewelry, clothing. There is a color theory, which for certain shades are, for example, next to the green eyes make them brighter.
 Many people do not just noticed that depending on the light intensity changes and eye color. Brown eyes are golden in the sun, and the blue room with purple wallpaper - turquoise. Even greater power of transformation have eyeshadow. Not surprisingly, many companies produce palettes that are tailored to different shades of eye. They are usually a contrasting color of their eyes, as the means of tone on tone make the iris dull. Bright eyes with such shadows at all transparent.

To choose the right shade and make the eyes more expressive, you need to know the basic rules of make-up, designed for women, taking into account the color of the iris. For example, for green eyes are recommended shade of purple and wine shades: they give them the appearance of emerald.

Blue eyes add depth and richness to help orange-copper shade on the upper eyelid and copper cream eyeliner.

In general, change the hue of light eyes lighter than the dark, so do not be afraid to experiment.

Golden color brown eyes underlined turquoise and lavender shade. A black eye (or rather dark brown) advantageous to look combined with white and gray shadows.

Apply a contrasting color eye shadow you need along the lash line as the iris reflects the color of the eyes, which is located closest to it. Ink is not recommended to use the volume and lengthening: thick eyelashes will add to your eyes expressiveness and depth. To heighten the effect, you can use color ink, it should match the color of the shadow.

Themselves better to use cream shadows: they look more natural than powdery. Accent hue iris help properly chosen decorations. Necklace or earrings with stones in the color of your eyes to make them even more vivid and expressive. And can relieve fatigue cold lotions from black tea, chamomile or lime blossom.

Tags: eye color, makeup, help