How to draw the eye liquid liner

How to draw the eye liquid liner
 The arrows in the eyes of relevant over the years, and if earlier to create sight in retro style used contour pencils, now popularized fashionistas firmly established liquid eyeliner and baked shadows that can be applied with special brushes.
 If you have no experience drawing arrows with a liquid eyeliner, give preference to such means of decorative cosmetics, which is designed as a brush pen with elongated pile at the end. If eyeliner full hair brush, it will be difficult to draw accurate arrow the first time. Try to spend a few lines on the wrist, to understand how liquid eyeliner falls on the skin and behaves like a brush.

Arrange convenient place in front of a large mirror. Fix the position of the hand, placing it on a stand, table, or other stable object. Start with the right eye, if you are right handed. Gently pull the upper eyelid with your left hand. In the right hand take the brush and small strokes swipe contour towards the outer corner of the eye. To draw an arrow on the left eye, eyelid gently pull your left hand, right hand, place the left temple. Do not try to spend the entire line, apply it with short strokes. Over time, you'll have to draw eyeliner without lifting the brush from the surface of the century.

To visually enlarge the eyes and make the eyes look open, start the line at about the middle of the eye, leaving the inner corner of the eyes are not circled. Make a line for more than a fat arrow at the outer corner of the eye and continue the line toward the temple. Do not try to make it very long - just 5 mm, or makeup will look sloppy.

If for some reason turned out too thick arrow or eyes look unbalanced, remove all cosmetics with a century because gently correct contour liquid eyeliner is almost impossible. If the tip of the arrow is directed not at all where it is necessary, apply a cotton swab makeup remover and gentle movements directed from the temple to the outer corner of the eye, erase the line. Draw an arrow again.

Tags: eye, eyeliner, brush, needle, tassel