How to choose the eyeliner

How to choose the eyeliner
 Eyeliner - an indispensable tool for everyday and festive makeup. They can visually correct the shortcomings of the exterior. Make your eyes more to place close together, give a look of mystery. The main thing - properly select the appropriate pencil from the variety of options offered by the cosmetic industry.
 Quality pencil sheath must be made of wood instead of sawdust. Protective cap should fit snugly to the faces of a pencil, held securely in place. This will prevent accidental removal of the cap and damage the tip of a pencil.

Good plastic pencils different rugged, reliable mechanism of twisting the rod. Besides, the rod must tightly hold in the body, not to hang out when you draw them "arrow" in his eyes.

Spend on the hand with a pencil line selected. It should be continuous, clearly. Lightly pressing, try to shade draw a line. If the feature is spread too easily select another pencil. This is too soft, make-up will quickly fade.

In addition, choosing eyeliner, you need to coordinate your choice with the color of your eyes and skin tone. For example, a light-skinned blondes is unlikely to stop at a black pencil. Makeup made them, it will seem too catchy, unnatural. But this pencil an excellent choice for smuglokozhih brunettes. They also fit pencils olive, purple, plum shades.

For brunettes with pale skin is better to choose pencils dark brown or dark gray. Black is better to buy for evening makeup. You can create a fine line, but you can resort to shading.

For red-haired women with fair skin are ideal shades of brown with redness, with gray haze. These colors do not contrast with the color of the skin and will be an excellent base for makeup.

For blondes, especially in fair-skinned, even a brown pencil to be too provocative. They had better choose a pearl-gray, light brown, blue colors to create makeup. These colors perfectly outline the eye, give the look soft and mysterious. Very good choice would be the white color that instantly refreshes the mind, visually lifts the upper eyelid.

Tags: eye, purchase, agent, make-up, the choice of