It is believed that the nasolabial folds - a sign of age. This is not the case, such a problem depends on whether the person's face is movable. Emotional people living with facial expressions often become holders of such unpleasant gift.
There is a simple method that can help smooth Emerging folds. This - exercises for the face, aimed at strengthening the facial muscles. So, it is necessary to wash your hands and sit in front of a mirror. This is necessary in order to monitor the correct execution of exercises.
The first exercise. Cheeks have much to inflate, and then let the air out through the mouth. Should exhale slowly, slowly.
The second exercise. Pull the upper lip upward, wait a few seconds and lower it down. When you return to the starting position should be very careful to put pressure on the nasolabial folds and slightly stretch the skin.
The third exercise. Press firmly on the folds. Skin should not be stretched, it should push your fingers.
These exercises allow you to avoid too deep creases running from the nose to the corners of the lips.
If any wrinkles pronounced and long, it is possible to use special aggregates (gels) containing hyaluronic acid. The composition fills the folds and are hardly visible. The effect of the procedure lasts for 6 to 12 months.
Gel injected via an injection under local anesthesia. Perform the procedure should be qualified cosmetologist.
You can carry out a course of hardware cosmetology, at which active waves penetrate the epidermis and accelerates the process of exchange. Instruments used in hardware cosmetology, working on the basis of the action of ultrasound, laser or electromagnetic field. Five procedures will forget about the folds of the whole year.
A more radical method of getting rid of nasolabial folds is Lipofilling consists in filling their fatty tissue of the patient. Take it usually with the waist or hips. Fat injection, lipofilling takes less than an hour, and wrinkles disappear for a long time.