Drinking water is needed. But in order to preserve the beauty, you need to drink it in a certain mode. In the morning on an empty stomach you should drink one or two glasses of water at room temperature. For half an hour before each meal is recommended to drink half a cup, it helps to prepare the body to receive food. But immediately after a meal to drink water is not necessary. Only 40 minutes - about a cup. If, during the meal you eat fish, meat, cheese or cottage cheese, then drink more than one glass. With a diet drink water a must. A total of 6-7 glasses of water a day, which is about 1, 5 liters. In addition to water, it is advisable to drink at least 2 cups of other healthy drinks.
Green tea is an excellent antioxidant that protects cells from harmful substances, has a cleansing, toning properties. Tea contains fluoride, which strengthens bones and teeth. Drink it without sugar. In hot it quenches thirst. The Chinese believe green tea drink longevity.
Cocoa or hot chocolate not only protect against cardiovascular disease, but also promote the production of serotonin, which is known to be the hormone of happiness and joy. A happy and joyful people are beautiful. Coffee is better to abandon or at least restrict 1-2 cups a day.
The most useful juice - tomato, but you need to drink it without salt. Drink it regularly - this will reduce the likelihood of cancer. In addition, it is nourishing and very well satisfies hunger.
Fresh orange juice - a source of folic acid and vitamin C. It increases the body's immunity, protects against many diseases, such as cataracts and cancer.
Very popular herbal teas, it is only important to choose them correctly. Rosehip enhances immunity. Melissa, mint soothe. Very useful tea with chamomile flowers, linden leaves of wild strawberry, currant leaves. Insist this tea should be about 15 minutes, you can add a spoonful of honey.