Under the heading Trends: Accessories made of fur
And our skin is, perhaps, the most independent of changes in temperature and other weather conditions.Skin care in winter - Is a set of procedures aimed at its timely protection.
With the approach of cold weather the first women's magazine JustLady hurry to talk about what should be the idealskin care in winter.
In the winter we try to insulate the maximum whole body: his feet put on boots, on hand - gloves, body wrap up in jackets and coats, and the only person left without any protection. Meanwhile, the facial skin needs it even more than the whole body, because she is so delicate and sensitive.
Dry winter air makes the skin dehydrated, piercing wind forces shelled. Then the skin coarsens, trying to defend himself to the best of their own forces, but it is not a charm attached. The sebaceous glands reduce the intensity of work, and even oily skin becomes dry and inelastic. A gust of air, filled with tiny ice crystals that cause redness and irritation.
However, it should be noted that the skin, for which regularly and efficiently cared for, not so simply and irrevocably losing its way. That Is Whyskin care in winter to start with the fall, and even better - in the summer. Make sure that the skin remains moist enough, fueled by dry skin nourishing cream thoroughly clean it. Before the start of the winter season, you can buy specialized cosmetics - now many cosmetic brands produce special, winter line tools that can be useful to you.
Skin care in winter Compliance starts with simple rules.
First of all, do not use any cream before you go out into the cold. Cream in this case, instantly freezes and greatly injure your skin from the inside. Do not abuse scrubs and peels - winter skin is cleaned of dead skin cells on their own under the influence of air and hard snow. Taking care of the face, do not forget about the lips - buy them chapstick, protects against cracking. Even indoors, regularly moisturize the skin with a spray or tonic. If skin problems seriously bother you, seek professional advice to the beautician.
Different types of skin in the winter season behave differently. For example, dry skin reacts to cold and frost scaling. To cope with it only one way - carefully and at the same time soft, damp, which are ideal for cosmetic cream. Be especially attentive to the skin around the eyes, which is extremely prone to the appearance of wrinkles. For it is possible to buy a special serum. Dry skin in the winter is absolutely contraindicated any cold wash and other contrasting procedures.
Oily skin in such conditions less capricious, andskin care in winter in this case requires a minimum. She is always in need of purification, but in the winter it should not be aggressive character - no harsh chemicals or scrubs. They can be replaced by a mask of blue clay, which steamed skin expands and purifies pores. Fatty cream nutrients in the case of fatty skin completely excluded. They are not suitable for oily and combination skin areas that winter does not feel very good. It needs an individual approach and the selection of cosmetics different nature.
Skin care in winter can be carried out not only at home, but also under the supervision of specialists. As a general rule, competent beauticians know what procedures may be appropriate or not to approach a certain type of skin in the winter season. Winter - the perfect time of year for laser resurfacing, as well as a number of procedures, after which it is not recommended to expose skin to ultraviolet radiation.
Following our simple guidelines, you will be able to survive the winter with a smile and remain dazzlingly beautiful even on the coldest days. Do not forget - for the winter will certainly warm spring, and you will find it fully prepared.
Tatiana Karpova
Women's magazine JustLady