Scientific evidence shows that cereals have a remarkable property: as a magnet attract and excrete pollutants: This heavy metals, pesticides, toxins. At the same time than the toxicity of the compound, the faster it is displayed. For example, heavy metal derived primarily lead, then cadmium, copper and iron. Cereals cleaning action due to the presence in them large amounts of fiber and organic acids, depending on the presence of these substances in various cereals and different effects of different types of cereals - from 20 to 90%. Best rids the body of "garbage" oatmeal, buckwheat, millet and millet porridge. A figure should be used brown, long-grain brown or Central Asian. Pesticides best displays corn porridge, and salts of heavy metals - oatmeal.
Complete purification will take place in compliance with one condition: Time Spent porridge in the stomach must be at least 20 minutes, and preferably longer. The longer the time, the more toxins absorbed. That is why the most effective oatmeal: ceteris paribus, it takes more toxins than other cereals, since quite a long time to digest. Thus no matter how cooked oatmeal: water, milk, butter, sugar, or both without it extends from the body to 90% of various "garbage." It is important that when cooked oatmeal does not lose its properties: organic acids with strong fiber to create a special "connection" with metals and reliable output of the last body.
With regard to rice and buckwheat, they are prepared in a special way. Fig long washed with a small stream of water from the tap. As a result of the starch present in large quantities in rice and interfering "meeting" toxins and acid leached and thereby accelerating the process of purification. Buckwheat better not to cook, and zaparivat: rump pour boiling water, wrapped and put in a warm place "income". So porridge will be tastier and healthier in terms of absorption of the metal salts, particularly harmful to the body of excess iron.
In addition to its cleansing properties of cereals also have exceptional nutritional properties: they are - a source of valuable proteins, vitamins, minerals and organic acids, that is a large range of substances necessary for the occurrence of normal metabolic processes in the body.
Kasheterapiya - is not only useful, but also cheap enough, even taking into account the rise in prices for certain types of grain in recent years. And all because in one product combines and food, and "medicine".
Cook a tasty meal, you can simply combine porridge with cream, milk, cottage cheese, feta cheese, oil or butter, mushrooms or sauerkraut with herbs, spices, nuts (except peanuts). Wonderful complement any porridge raisins, dried apricots, fresh and dried fruit, figs, honey, tomato, olives. Krupa while its absorbent properties does not lose.
Eat cereals, and let your food be your medicine!