How to determine your phototype

How to determine your phototype
 Tan, who brought into fashion more famous Coco Chanel, is still relevant, especially in summer days. Women noticeably pale in the winter season, once again begin to fight for golden skin tone. But in order not to burn and get smooth and beautiful tan, you need to define your photo type and taken into account, becoming Darkie without risk to the skin. In Russia can be found mostly women belonging to one of four phototypes.
 The first, Celtic photo type are white-skinned and light or red-haired woman. Often their skin, seeming almost transparent, decorated with freckles. Such women blue, green or gray-violet eyes. Their ancestors were natives of the northern territories of Europe. In humans, this type of color pigment melanin is formed almost in the skin, so it burns at once but never darkens. To achieve the desired shade is best to use self-tanning and sun preservatives with the highest degree of protection.

Women belonging to the second Nordic photo type, and fair-skinned, their eyes too bright, but the hair was dark: brown, chestnut, freckles on the skin is almost there. Slightly "browned" in the sun they may, but only if they do not abuse it. Sunbathing should be gradually, staying each day in the sun literally 5-10 minutes. From sunbathing, use the high protection factor, gradually moving to the weaker.

The European average, the third photo type, inherent in the majority of women in Europe. In women, this type of brown, sometimes gray eyes, dark blond or brown hair. The dark shade of their skin gets quickly, but the main thing is not to overdo it. In the first 2-3 days of sunbathing, use tools with a high protection factor and do not stay in the sun for more than 30 minutes.

Fourth, southern European phototype characterize dark eyes and hair, dark, olive skin tone, in which there are no freckles. Sunbathing women quickly, and the skin gets a nice bronze color. But to protect the skin from direct sunlight is necessary and the ladies of this type. The degree of protection can be low - 15 units in the first days, then it can be reduced.

In any case to which you may be referred photo type, remember that summer skin needs extra moisture and protection. If it is healthy and well-groomed, even tan on it will lie flat, have a nice shade.

Tags: skin, sun, phototype