You should start with appearance. To have a good go at the photo, you must also look good. Among other things, if your appearance is in order, there is a sense of confidence, which also affects you during shooting. Before shooting, take care of styling hair, carefully nakraste. Foundation should be matte, or face can shine with the flash. If you do not shoot on the streets, and indoors with artificial light, you can use a slightly darker tone for a century, more mascara. Cosmetics take with you to immediately before shooting to correct makeup. At least powder in place a must.
Your skin should be well-groomed, and his teeth white. Do not be lazy to go to the beautician or try bleaching, if the situation with something you did not like it. This need is not so much effort and money, and the result will not only improve your image, but also help to feel better.
Each person has a posture in which it turns out well, while others pose he categorically contraindicated. Know your strengths. Experiment front of the mirror. Can shoot yourself by setting the timer on the camera, or ask friends to take pictures you differently. Ascertaining the most successful for you pose, remember them, and learn to take when you see aimed at the camera lens. Do not be afraid to look ridiculous, or on the photo and will certainly work. Feel confident, proud bearing take - and be sure to be able to photograph.
Very important natural. Even the best poses that you rehearsed before a mirror, can sometimes look a little stiffly. To avoid this, during shooting sincerely rejoice. Think about something good. Looking at the camera, imagine that smile to your friends or your loved one, then the expression will be warm and sincere, and posture will be a little more relaxed and lively. All this will provide great photos.