Rejuvenation of the body by using leeches was conducted during the time of the Egyptian kings. Since then, the desire for eternal youth and beauty, not only did not disappear in others, but it became obsessive and stronger. Hirudotherapy activates all processes in the body, including the exchange. Elasticity of the skin and muscle energy, good mood and excellent health indicators will be the effectiveness of the method.
Return the beauty of skin, hair and health of your body is possible by means of treatment with leeches, and the result will be evident soon enough. Sense therapy to deliver leech those points that are responsible for specific processes in the body. Squirting hirudin, leech absorbs bad blood and activates new cell growth. Impact teeth leeches perceived by the body as a kind of type of acupuncture and its biological effect on the body is manifested in the removal of negative energy.
Should not engage in self-rejuvenation - in the absence of proper training can cause the body harm. Girudoterapii session can last about 60 minutes - during this time leech "works", updating absorbing blood and diseased cells. Sated, leech disappears, leaving a small hole in the skin, from which a few hours will trickle lymph. After the termination of the outflow of tissue fluid and lymph edema subsides a bit, and the edges of the wound are no longer sore. Smear the wound with disinfectant and dries drugs is not necessary, no inflammation and infection will be gone.
Leeches are used for the treatment of obesity and to get rid of cellulite peel. In combination with massage and mesotherapy treatment with leeches gives stable effect the disappearance of "orange peel", smoothing the skin and returning it elasticity. Stunning action girudoterapii allows correct operation of the systems and individual organs, prolong youth and life.