Enemy №2 - lowered immunity. Frequent or chronic illness, poor condition of the skin, hair and nails, bad posture, heavy gait, bad teeth. List can be long. Much beauty to whether there? And the main reason for such manifestations - a weak immune system, which should be strengthened. Take care of proper nutrition, regularly take vitamin and mineral supplements, observe mode, play sports, quenched, learn how to handle stress.
Enemies №3 - unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. Think about your diet. Analyze what prevails in it: if the flour, sweet or salty, fried and fatty, it is unlikely that your beauty will be delighted by this. How much water do you drink? Certainly not enough. Do you often go walking or doing active sports? Or maybe watching TV is your favorite sport? Beauty, in this case, very soon, will seek another mistress.
Enemies №4 - wrong mode of the day, lack of proper rest, the increased load on the body. Work 16 hours a day, defective sleep (at least 8 hours) and the rejection of the weekend did not do more than one beautiful woman. Think about it. All of this is present in your life? If you want to stay young and beautiful, it is necessary to radically change the schedule.
Enemy number 5 - tense emotional state. Increased anxiety and depression Bates charm and added years. Can not sleep, can not calm down, dig in itself, seeks out new flaws are afraid of the future. Sad scared expression. The lack of smiles, love and confidence makes a young woman in the old one. Inner peace, on the contrary, bestows beauty.
Enemy №6 - bad habits. Alcohol contributes to weight gain and spoils the complexion. Smoking hurts the lungs, bronchi, teeth, stomach, and much more. The best way to quit smoking and drinking - never start to do that. Do not be a slave to bad habits! Think about that for you more: a short-term sedation, which bring cigarettes and alcohol, or a strong immune system, good metabolism and beautiful appearance?
Enemy №7 - uncomfortable clothes and shoes and incorrectly picked up cosmetics. Often in the pursuit of fashion, women, without considering the consequences for health, ready to paint the hair 5 times in a row, just to achieve the desired success. Or, despite the pain in the legs, back and lower abdomen, walk all day in supernarrow jeans and a pair of high heels. Understand that creating such a "beauty", you will end up being the disease, which will not spare your youth and attractiveness. All you need to measure. Stilettos can not walk more than two hours at a time, from too tight jeans better absolutely refuse, because they cause congestion in the pelvic.
Enemy number 8 - the lack of love and relationships. Sexy woman is necessary for normal functioning of many systems of the body, stress relief, and just to feel wanted and happy. If you do not evoke positive emotions in the male half of the population, it is time to understand yourself. The matter might not be in appearance, and internal problems. Try to understand that it interferes with your full life. If you can not do it yourself, contact a psychologist.