The structure of the eyelid skin is a bit different from the skin on the rest of the areas of the face. Under the skin of eyelids no muscle and adipose tissue and subcutaneous tissue has a loose structure - this determines the exposure of the skin to stretch, dryness and swelling. First wrinkles appear around the eyes is delivering women sea experiences. A violation of the structure of the skin can affect a variety of reasons: not enough moisture, exposure to ultraviolet radiation, too mobile facial expressions, which appear after the so-called "crow's feet" (although that is now - never laugh?).
In addition, the eyelids are of venous and arterial system: one has only to disrupt the blood circulation, it is immediately reflected on the skin around the eyes. That Is Why,Skin Care century to start with the organization of right living:
• sleep (sleep must be not less than 7 hours a day);
• limit the use of salt, spices and pungent foods (helps to avoid swelling);
• monitor their physical and psychological (stress and diseases of internal organs directly affect the condition of the skin around the eyes);
• Do not overload your eyes work (long voltage blood circulation, leading to redness and swelling of the eyelids).
Very carefully choose the means bySkin Care century. Refrain from the use of cosmetic products anti-aging action at a young age - these funds have a certain chemical composition and intended for women after 25 years. But with 25-30 years on the contrary, the need for intensive use creams and lotions series "anti-age" - they promote the synthesis of collagen and stimulate cell renewal processes. ToSkin Care century Pick up the light cream and gels. Perfectly suited for this purpose natural oils containing vitamins A and E - You can buy them in any specialized salon or pharmacy. Women's magazine JustLady Tip: If possible, avoid products containing lanolin - it is possible redness and swelling of the eyelids.
1. Skin Care Age - properly cleanse
If you want to keep the eyelid skin as long as possible in good condition, do not forget one important rule: before going to bed Make sure to remove eye make-up. It is very important to choose the right cleanser - it must have a light texture, carefully remove all cosmetics from the first time and do not cause allergic reactions. If redness or rash on the funds must be abandoned. It is best forSkin Care century and removing cosmetics buy special lotions - they allow cleansing care and are even suitable for sensitive skin. Remove makeup lightly: eyelashes - from top to bottom; with age - from the inner corner to the outer (upper eyelid), from the outer to the inner (lower eyelid). For each eye, use a separate cotton ball or disc. And do not forget that the means for removing makeup should not only clean, but also soothes the skin, relieves inflammation.
2. Skin Care Age - nourishes and moisturizes
Once the skin is cleansed of make-up, it is required to put caregiver means - it smoothes and moisturizes the skin. Apply the product must be twice a day: in the morning as a base for make-up and protection from ultraviolet radiation, at night - to nourish and moisturize the skin. Do not use too fatty creamSkin Care century - They are poorly absorbed and can trigger swelling. For sensitive skin perfectly suited gels and lotions with a lightweight texture that do not leave a feeling of heaviness in the eyelids. For dry skin, use a cream and milk - they smooth out fine wrinkles, make the skin soft and smooth. Spray on a thin layer of the eyelids, lightly, being careful not to stretch the skin. Remove excess cream with a cotton pad or cloth.
3. Skin Care Age - folk remedies
Mask anti-wrinkle. Mix melted honey, fat cottage cheese (at half tsp.) With olive oil and cream (1 tsp.). Adding item. a spoonful of milk and thoroughly mix all until smooth. Impose a mask for ever, after 15 minutes, wash off with warm water.
Nourishing Eye Cream. Flowers of chamomile and linden (for 1 st. Spoon) pour boiling water (200 mL) and allow to stand for 1 hour. 1 tbsp. spoon of butter (not Melt) mixed with 1 tsp. of castor oil and add to the mixture 2 tbsp. tablespoons prepared herbal infusions (strained). Grind until a homogeneous composition and is used instead of nourishing cream at night. Keep your home can cream in the refrigerator for 5 days.
Vitamin mask. Banana pulp or apricot carefully mash and mix with 1 tsp. Of warm olive oil. Apply on the eyelid skin, after 15 minutes, remove the excess with a cotton pad and wash with warm water.
Svetlana Krutova