As a rule, the issue of concern to many attractive figure, but most of all - the weak half of humanity. Any woman can say exactly how she wants to look, what figure to have. And none of the ladies do not want to have those extra pounds. Therefore, people are coming up with different methods of dealing with being overweight. This exercise, different diets and much more.
How do you know whether there is excess weight, or everything is fine with the weight and do not need to worry? To this question in the 19th century, tried to answer the Belgian Adolphe Quetelet. He derived a formula to calculate the ideal body weight based on human growth. The unknown quantity is called - BMI or Body Mass Index. Calculate BMI is very easy, knowing your exact weight and height. For this purpose it is necessary to weight divided by height squared. Moreover, body weight should be taken in kilograms and height in meters.
The formula looks like this:
I = M / P2, where
And - BMI
M weight in kilograms
P - height in meters.
The result is a number, which is interpreted as follows:
• BMI of 18, 99 - underweight
• From 19 to 24, 99 - a healthy body weight.
• From 25 to 29, 99 - are overweight.
• From 30 to 34, 99 - the initial stage of obesity.
• from 35 and above - severe obesity.
And despite the fact that this method is widely used and is a good, it does not account for the constitution of man. For the same weight and height two people can look different: one will seem slim, and the other - complete, because they have a different body type. Therefore, the weight fluctuations of ± 10% in one direction or another acceptable, most likely due to the individual characteristics of the body (assuming good health). For people with above average growth lean physique is recommended to increase the result of BMI by 10%, and the people of small stature with a large muscle mass, on the contrary reduced by 10%, and only then compare the results with the data given above.
Method of measuring BMI of course important, but before you begin to lose weight drastically (to starve, go on a diet, etc.) should conduct additional studies, for example, to measure the ratio of muscle and fat, how much water is in the body, etc., and only then draw appropriate conclusions.