Do you think that this black rice? I suppose it's a special kind of traditional and well-known cereal? And here and there. Black (wild) rice - it does not figure at all, but the seeds of Zizania aquatica (Wild rice water) - water-loving plants, originating from North America (hence, by the way, one of his name - "the Indian rice").
On their quality indicators wild (black) rice left behind the vast majority of their fellow cereal. It contains 18 of the 20 essential amino acids (lacking glutamine and asparagine only), vitamin B, folic acid (in a glass of cereal - its daily human norm), fiber. And besides - phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and manganese in large amounts. In the black rice is present quite a substantial amount of protein, which makes it a real boon for vegetarians.
In terms of organoleptic this product for a long time already won the love of gourmets worldwide. Delicate nutty flavor, sweet taste (with a minimum sugar content) - the distinctive features of Indian rice.
It seems, wild rice has issued all its secrets. But no. Recently, American scientists have ranked this product to a category of food, prolongs youth, relieves a person from a variety of diseases (including those from which most people die in the world - cancer and cardiovascular). All these statements (oh great gold-bearing idea Panacea!) Would be similar to a regular advertising campaign next product, if not ...
Black rice gives the large number of antioxidants. These substances protect cells and prolong youth. Scientists believe that manufacturers simply have to remember about this great product as black rice, and add his or bran extract products containing cereals: breakfast cereals, pastries and more.
Unfortunately, the title of superfoods is unlikely to make a black wild rice more popular in comparison with its white counterpart. The reason for that - the high price of the product, which has become, including the result of a very limited range of growth of Indian rice.