If you do decide on what to get pierced, you need to know a few rules in advance. They allow you to avoid infection, as well as accelerate the healing process. Do not make the piercing when you have poor health, sickness or critical days. Body piercing is best done in spring or autumn, because in the summer, in hot weather, the healing process will last longer, and carry infection is a risk. If you suffer from poor blood clotting, you should not do the piercing at all. The decision to get pierced should be deliberate and independent. Should not do body piercing, if you are in a state of intoxication.
The safest form of body piercing - a piercing ears. They will all heal and deliver a minimum of discomfort. But, nevertheless, for them, too, should be carefully looked after. Puncture site, where most of the sweat glands located heal longer: navel, eyebrow and nose. The puncture site within 2 months of daily need to handle antiseptic. Approximately six months later comes complete healing. Earring should be gently rotated to develop a bit of a puncture. First, it is best to wear earrings Medical steel to accelerate the healing process. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences better just trust the professionals.