Art restoration of teeth allows you to correct the shortcomings smile both congenital and acquired. Cosmetic dentistry today is not only corrects the form of a single tooth, but also the entire dentition (increase or shorten, extend or narrow), you can change the position of the teeth in the dentition, the color of one particular tooth or whiten the entire row to close the gap between the teeth. Special artificial materials allow the fabric to simulate the tooth so that its color and structure was indistinguishable from natural teeth.
Before art restoration patient should cure all bad teeth, so as not to provoke the spread of tooth decay, as well as carry out a set of occupational health, including the removal of tartar, plaque purification, sanitation of the oral cavity.
Art restoration is of two types: direct and indirect. Traditionally, the restoration was carried out indirectly, ie, orthopedic surgeon examined the patient, the type and design of the future prosthesis, made casts of the teeth and directed them to the dental laboratory for the manufacture of ceramic forms. After fabrication, the physician records it in the patient's mouth. Thanks to modern materials became available "direct" the restoration of the dentition. A doctor holds her right in the mouth, and it allows you to restore a single visit several teeth at once, with a minimum of tooth structure is removed, and the filling material is chosen precisely to individual shade of teeth.
There is a radical way of aesthetic restoration - set of veneers. Veneers - are thin porcelain or composite plate mounted on the incisors. They replace the outer layer of the teeth, thereby reinforcing it and correcting the defects of the dentition.
To install veneers doctor beforehand grinds front teeth, then make an impression and sends the information to the laboratory where the individual will produce a set of overlays, veneers. They allow to eliminate defects such as bending shape chipped interdental gap, the dark spots on the enamel. Veneers are durable and do not require special care, except for daily cleaning.
With the development of aesthetic dentistry, the dream of one day leave the clinic with perfect teeth, became a reality.