1. Observe mode. Chronic sleep deprivation - the culprit circles under the eyes, fatigue and bad mood all day. Discard the seats on the Internet or watching movies on TV at night and sleep longer. Healthy sleep should last at least eight hours. The new regime introduced gradually - in a few days to go to bed 20 minutes earlier. Go to sleep, it is desirable in the dark. This mask can help you to sleep. In the pitch darkness, melatonin is produced faster.
2. Women's neck and hands are always treacherous give a true woman's age, so they require special attention. Going out into the street, try to protect their hands and neck against unwanted ultraviolet rays using Sun Protection Cream. Also enjoy nutritious and kollagenosoderzhaschimi creams. A very popular and effective procedures for the recovery of the skin of hands and neck radiolifting considered.
3. Exercise. The body will look fit, if you will run in the mornings, or go swimming, it is possible that you like yoga, which combines physical exercises and relaxing exercises.
4. Use the tonal foundation. Many women believe that the foundation only exposes the wrinkles, making the skin unnatural. Proper use Tonalka not only evens the complexion, but also eliminates the fine facial wrinkles. Pick up only liquid foundation - it will not create the effect of a wax mask. Apply the product better than your fingers to feel that absorb into the skin, and any surplus left. Their skin can be removed with a sponge.
5. Take care of your hair. With age, they become lifeless, weak and faded. Haircut hot scissors save you from split ends, and a variety of masks and silicone will come to your hair a healthy shine. With intelligence approach to the choice of coloring agents - no ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, from which hair changes its structure and becomes thin and fragile.