Whatever can be said in diets, can not give up breakfast. Starting the day with a hearty breakfast, you will provide yourself with energy and, therefore, does not begin to get hungry in the middle of the day, and it does not cause you to overeat during the day and evening. Morning completely consumed calories throughout the day. Can not be snacking on the go - meals should be thorough and calm, and you need to eat to enjoy. Heightened sense of pleasure will cause the secretion of gastric juice, and thus improve digestion and faster to satisfy your hunger. Stretch the meal for 20-30 minutes to feel the saturation - if you have a snack in five minutes, hunger will not disappear.
Meals should be regular, and the intervals between them as far as possible - the same. Eat often, but in small portions, and every two hours Eat non-nutritive vegetable or fruit, so as not to allow the body to suffer from a lack of energy. Useful every two hours to drink tea, but it does not stick his sweets, chocolates and pastries. Replace sweets dried fruits, nuts, cheese or croutons.
No matter where you are, take a thoughtful schedule - even if you're at work, at the right time is necessary to make a break for a light lunch. If you do not, you are so hungry that eat a double or triple batch later, while lunch will be enough per serving.
After every meal is recommended to brush your teeth - it helps to resist the urge to eat after eating something else. Make your own menu variety, add a different food spices and seasonings to the food was interesting and quickly brings the feeling of satiety. Frozen vegetables allow to diversify any dish, both the first and second, without unnecessary time-consuming, and thus they do not add a lot of calories in a dish. Be creative in the process of cooking.
Do not abuse the sugar - replace it with cinnamon and vanilla, and salt can be replaced with soy sauce - it gives the dish a unique taste, and benefit from it much more than from table salt.
The restaurants and cafes can also follow the rules of a slim figure. Instead of having to read the menu and seduces calories, you can just ask the waiter to bring a light vegetable dish at his discretion. If in order to eat meat to it must be accompanied by a vegetable side dish, a side dish and a portion of this should significantly exceed the portion of meat. If possible, try to eat raw vegetables and raw fruits.
Avoid alcohol - it is high in calories and increases appetite.