11 myths about beauty

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 Female beauty is a matter of controversy and heated discussions for several hundred years. During this time there were many myths associated with it, some of which are truly ridiculous, but firmly rooted in the minds of girls.
 Misconceptions about how to save, to achieve beauty, lose weight, get better or always look younger with each passing year it becomes more and more. Their appearance is due to a variety of factors, but it is important that, under the influence of these myths get not only young girls, but also mature ladies. Fighting them begins with a study of the major misconceptions.

Myth №1. It has long been established diet effect which persists for life

Complete fallacy, which is inherent to women who dream to lose weight with the help of another newfangled diet. As soon as you stop the power in a specific pattern, the body starts to Normal mode, and you gain weight again. The harder was the diet, the more likely it will happen. Maintain the achieved result can be only in the case of permanent restrictions in the use of fats and carbohydrates, as well as the maintenance of physical fitness through sports.

Myth №2. Cosmetics harm the skin

Quality cosmetics are not only not harmful, but also helps the skin to fight against external negative factors. For example, protection from exposure to sunlight.

Myth №3. Tone cream and similar tools clog pores and prevent the penetration of oxygen

Before makeup base were really quite heavy and lay a thick layer. Today means do not affect the skin nutrition, moreover, they moisturize and protect it gives elasticity and retain moisture.

Myth №4. Bath - a great way to lose weight

Some women sincerely believe that the weekly trip to the bath or sauna will be their salvation in the fight against fat. But since then you lose only water evaporates from the body. And such a loss in weight fairly quickly restored, once you drink a glass of water or a cup of tea.

Myth №5. By shaving the hair is thicker

Using a razor does not affect the amount of hair on his head. They only seem to be visually thicker because razor you remove the thinnest part.

Myth №6. Restore the cross-section of the tips of the hair possible even at home

A common misconception that is fundamentally wrong. Get rid of the cross-section of all possible only through haircuts. All other funds are used for temporary bonding of the hair, the effect disappears after the first shampooing.

Myth №7. Oily skin does not need moisture

Fat secreted in abundance on the surface of the skin, does not affect its food or hydration. Oily film only makes breathing difficult. Such skin needs special care, part of which must be a daily moisturizer, suitable type.

Myth №8. Using tanning helps protect skin from the sun

Tan only helps produce melanin, but does not affect the protection against sunburn. Together with him necessarily need to use sunscreen.

Myth №9. The use of anti-aging cosmetics is necessary to begin with the appearance of wrinkles

If you really want to prolong their youth, begin preventive measures in advance. Do not wait for the deterioration of the skin, fight which will be much more difficult. Anti-aging creams will not be able to remove visible damage, but their use as a preventive measure will extend the ability of the skin to resist their own age-related changes.

Myth №10. Weight depends entirely on genes

In fact, in 3/4 cases completeness is a consequence of your lifestyle, and only 1/4 - really a genetic predisposition. Therefore, statements about genes - justify their laziness and unwillingness to monitor their own body.

Myth №11. Peeling the summer - a taboo procedure

Veto applies only to the salon treatment - chemical, acid and other peelings. The same tools that you use at home, do not hurt the skin, but only to help her get rid of dead skin cells.

Tags: beauty myth, delusion