Change the shade of hair - perfectly natural desire modern girl, but painted more than once a month, and even more radically change the shade of curls, very harmful. As a result of frequent coloring hair fade, damaged, dried up and break down.
2. Squeezing pimples
Familiar situation: on the forehead (chin, nose) appeared pimple, and hands and scratched, and stretch to squeeze it. If you leave everything as it is, it is for two or three days pass, and squeezing extended by up to 8-10 days. In addition, around the problem areas may be new rash, since the probability of infection in the pores and enhance the inflammatory process is very high.
3. Failure to make-up remover
Went to bed with the remnants of mascara on the eyelashes, you risk the morning to find under eye bags, and can provoke such a problem as conjunctivitis. Regenerative processes in the skin at night go slower. Your laziness exacerbate recovery, because the layer of powder or blush tone means left on the face, will not give the skin to breathe. If you do not wash away makeup before going to bed, in the morning get unpleasant effect: the dull, gray skin color, and with it - redness, pustules, pimples.
4. Excessive plucking eyebrows
Remove a few extra hairs is not that at all. As a rule, it carries and ultimately beautiful instead of regular shape eyebrows on the face appear tonyusenkie strings, give a person a puppet and absurd appearance.
5. Long stay on the beach and abuse solarium
Together with a beautiful shade of tan you get premature wrinkles, age spots and sagging skin, besides ultraviolet very dehydrated skin. After forty years in the sun need to happen less often as melanin, which protects the skin from exposure to UV rays is produced is not so active.
6. Alcohol and smoking
Free radicals, resins and other harmful substances from the smoke that come in the body alcohol and affect the skin adversely. Women who smoke it acquires an earthy or yellowish hue, and give drinking red veins on the nose and cheeks - a consequence of the expansion of blood vessels.
7. Late "all clear"
Skin cells during recreation is well saturated with oxygen, and she is recovering from a hard day. If you always get up early and stay up late, on the regeneration of the skin is simply not enough time. As a result, it will look dull and pale, eyes surround dark circles and wrinkles.
8. Strong load on feet
Do you like to sit, throwing one leg to the other? You need to know that as a result of the blood circulation. Wear sandals smaller? While wearing these shoes, hanging heel Achilles tendon overload, which leads to the formation of heel spurs. For too long during the day sitting or standing? This is also your feet do not like - in the blood vessels begin to stagnate.
9. Neglect manicure
If you have the habit of biting burrs, do not complain after such torture that the nails do not grow. This activity leads to inflammation around the nail plate and their fragility.
10. Overvoltage and lack of proper treatment of depression
Stressful situations quite a profound effect on a woman's beauty, and have to hit on several fronts. If a deep dive into the problem, it reflected badly on the state of the hair - they will start to fall, the teeth - will become loose, fall overall body tone.