What if the lashes fall out

What if the lashes fall out
 Groomed lashes are not only an integral part of the decorative beautiful face, but also a reliable defender of eye infections. Make your eyelashes long and thick, to prevent loss is not so difficult, important to think carefully about simple daily care.  

To launch a review and evaluate all the tests that have to overcome your lashes each day resistant mascara, eyeliner indelible, soap and hot water - in such conditions is really quite easy to become brittle and fragile! Correctly pick mascara and do not give preference to waterproof unnecessarily. Hypoallergenic mascara much softer in composition and exposure, so make your choice on this, even if you are not experiencing any problems with your eyes. Currently, you can find a bilateral mascara on the basis of nutritional light and oil extracts (such as almond oil). As for eyeliner, it is also be attentive when choosing - as it is in contact with the roots of your lashes. Also, do not choose too resistant and require prolonged flushing.

Now pay attention to how you are removing makeup. In order to maintain an optimal level of moisture eyelashes with the means necessary to choose a two-phase basis, one phase of which is composed of light oil or gel. In order to completely remove the makeup, necessarily; for a few seconds to attach to your lashes a cotton pad, and then carefully remove the ink circular soft movements. If you have at hand was not a special jelly or liquid soap for not overreach. Take a cotton ball, soak it in warm water, wring out thoroughly and apply a few drops of any vegetable oil (though preferably olive) and remove make-up;

In no case did not go to bed with painted eyes - eyelash need to breathe! Especially, the hairs can break very easily on the pillow, being in the "case" of a cosmetic product.

Every day, do not be lazy to comb their cilia small brush. This will clean the surface of the hair from mikropylinok. You can brush a small amount of grease burdock or castor oil, not too much, however, thick and heavy - otherwise they will fall into the eye and will pinching. Castor oil stimulates the growth of eyelashes and make them darker.

Remember that dropping eyelashes can signal a variety of ailments and malfunctions in the body, including the imbalance of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to regularly consume foods rich in magnesium, calcium and protein.

Tags: growth, eyelashes, hair loss