Vegetarianism: pros and cons

Vegetarianism: pros and cons
 Every day in the regiment vegetarians added more and more people. But there are ardent opponents of this way of eating. Including doctors advise against eating this way. Still, vegetarianism has both positive and negative points.

Vegetarianism is different. There veganism. In which people are excluded not only any kind of meat, fish and poultry, but also dairy products and eggs, and sometimes even honey. Laktovegetarianstvo - in the diet, in addition to plant foods, dairy products there. Laktoovovegetarianstvo - also include dairy products and eggs chickens.

Many people are convinced that eating so bring your body very good. Indeed, vegetarianism has its advantages. Vegetarians gradually cleansed of toxins and impurities. Among vegetarians are practically no people who are overweight. They are less prone to various heart disease and cancer.

Vegetarians are much hardier and recover faster than others. They eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, which also helps improve the immune system. Improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Also giving up meat is useful because with the meat and you refuse from various substances harmful to health, which are used in the processing of meat products.

But despite all this, there are obvious disadvantages. Vegetarian diet devoid of many important substances needed by the body. Therefore, vegetarianism is contraindicated in children and adolescents, and pregnant women, nursing mothers. It is necessary to make your diet so that the necessary substances present in the required quantities.

In the transition to vegetarianism a woman may lose her menstrual cycle. On the downside, and that the people who clicked on the power system can be broken metabolism. All this - the results of an unbalanced diet.

If you do decide to go over to the vegetarian, you should not immediately exclude from its product animal protein. Start slowly, listening to your body. Gradually remove from the diet meat products, add more fruits and vegetables. And to pay special attention to your diet - it should be nutritious and balanced so as not to harm their health.

Tags: food use, diet, injury